Choosing The Best Bird Food This Winter

Choosing the best bird food over winter is actually pretty easy.

A lot of companies will tell you to buy suets, but you dont have to. In fact you could save a lot of money buying something with the same benefits to your birds, but a bit cheaper.

Sunflower Hearts, Peanuts and bird seed mixes are great ways of providing quality nutritional foods to your garden birds.

To be honest we could conmtinue writing reams and reams to satisfy search engines here, but to be honest that's all you need to know. 'Straight' foods such as peanuts are excellent for this time of year and they're really easy to feed too. Just make sure you don't feed whole peanuts during fledgling season as the littler birds could choke on them.

Note: Although we recommend Sunflower Hearts in the above, it might not be worth your time in buying them at the moment. Due to the war in Ukraine, sunflower heart prices have sky rocketed so you may wish to buy something cheaper until prices come back down. Keep an eye on our sunfloweer hearts price tracker for the best deal.

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